This map has been produced to allow the catchments in East Suffolk to be explored in terms of the ecosystems services they provide, and to identify where the greatest potential lies for utilising opportunities.
The maps are based on ecosystem services such as drought or flooding relief, recreation, habitat creation and carbon sequestration, and use different layers to identify where the opportunities and risks are. There are layers of the map which combine these opportunities and risks to give a multifunctional score for each section of river. These show where a lack of maintenance will create a risk that existing services are compromised, and where enhancements projects could make the best use of the natural capital already available.
Other layers map the scores for more specific services, and can be overlaid on to the multifunctional layers or viewed independently. Once you have opened the map (click here), the guide below will assist in navigating it.

Using the webmap menu bar - key features

When using the maps you can click on the ‘Details’ icon for simple instructions on switching between Ecosystem Services map layers, how to turn them on and off. The text box here also gives a brief introduction to the map and how to use it.

The ‘Legend’ icon provides the colour scale of each of the Ecosystem Service layer. For further explanation of each layer, and how they were identified, see the links below. There is an explanation of the opportunities/risk mapped in each layer and how to interpret the colours within each layer.
The 'Layers' icon allows you to switch on and off each of the 5 layers independently or display different combinations of overlay.
The ‘Basemap’ icon allows you to chose what type of map you have underneath the Ecosystem map layers. You can choose from satellite images, street maps or terrain maps.
There are also buttons on the menu to allow you to see an overview map of the area you are viewing, and to measure sections of the map. You can also share and print sections, so please feel free to explore and use the map.
Explanation of Legend colours and background
Click on the title of the Map you wish to learn more about: