We work across Essex and Suffolk on projects to improve rivers in both counties. As designated host of the East Suffolk Catchment Partnership we also have a specific role in coordinating project work in this part of Suffolk. The pages in this section give more information about the catchments that Essex & Suffolk Rivers Trust works within.
The East Suffolk Catchments Online Map shows the rivers catchments we lead on. You can use our guide on how to get the best from the map and legends to help you explore. The legends explain the different layers of the interactive map and how to interpret them, and there is more description of these on the Ecosystem Service Map Descriptions page. Here you can read about how the catchments have been scored according to the ecosystems services they already provide or could provide. The colours and metrics are also explained here.
Aside from the maps of East Suffolk, there is also an area map of surrounding catchments within Essex and Suffolk, and an explanation of how we are involved in these. You may also wish to explore the catchments using the Environment Agency's Catchment Data Explorer webpages. These give up to date water quality data for all the rivers, as well as photos and maps to give an overview of each waterbody. We hope you will find this information useful and please do contact us if you need any assistance using the maps. You can also visit the 'In your area' pages to read more about each river, should you wish to.