Last week Staff and Trustees from Essex and Suffolk Rivers Trust participated in a strategy planning day. The workshop brought everyone together to reflect on the biggest drivers currently influencing the work of the trust, to discuss changes we’d like to see and to start developing our new 3-year strategy and vision for the future.
The event was also a great opportunity to welcome and get to know our newly appointed members of the board of trustees.

Our new trustees Tara Arnold, Sarah Morton, Henry Wilkes, and Dr Alan Woods bring a wealth of skills and experience to ESRT including fundraising, governance, financial management and biodiversity habitat banking. We also welcomed Hannah Tickle as our new Associate Board Member and Young Trustee. Hannah has a strong interest in environmental affairs and brings experience in campaign development, as well as engagement of young people.
The strategy was a successful start to planning our new strategic vision and we look forward to developing this and sharing it with our supporters soon!
Read more about our Staff and Trustees