We’re taking on the task to eradicate Himalayan balsam from our Suffolk and Essex watercourses, and July is the month to do it before the plants starts setting seed.
ESRT are working in partnership with the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Projects (DVSVP), with funding from Essex and Suffolk Water, in the challenge to target and control the presence of Himalayan balsam (Impatiens Glandulifera) along our watercourses. Our focus builds and supports the efforts already made by organisations and individuals in controlling this highly invasive plant species on the River Stour, River Box, Lavenham Brook and River Brett.
The aim to disrupt the reproduction cycle of this annual species by hand pulling the plants. Himalayan balsam reproduces annually from seed, and by removing the plant before it goes to seed means that we can control its spread before it become well-established. Repeated pulling year on year will clear our riverbanks of this pest.
We have 6 dates in July when we will be doing our first series of pulling the plants. If you would like to get involved we'd love your help. Email us at info@essexsuffolkriverstrust.org for more information. Not free in July but still want to get involved. We have other projects coming up too and need volunteers to help. Get in touch and we can tell you more about them.
