Below are a series of documents which we hope you will find useful in learning about the history of the East Suffolk Catchment Partnership and how it developed. We have also included some more recent documents here which came out of a 2019 workshop aiming to refresh and move the partnership forward and identify new projects to deliver improvement works.
The East Suffolk Catchment Partnership initial documents are below:
May 2014 – Project Partners
May 2014 – Terms of Reference.
December 2013 – Background to the East Suffolk Catchments Partnership
December 2013 – Map of the East Suffolk Catchments Area
The initial formation was followed by the process of gathering evidence to assist partners with planning appropriate projects within the catchments. Evidence is presented below as online maps and as an evidence review document. There are also links to the workshops held in 2014 which helped shape the evidence gathering process and set the scene for the newly announced Catchment Based Approach (CaBA).
March 2015 – Draft of an online map displaying key findings from the evidence review
February 2015 – East Suffolk River Catchments Evidence Review: maps and explanation
May 2014 – Workshop Presentation: Plan of Action
May 2014 – ESCP Workshop notes from 21st May 2014 - summary notes
May 2014 – ESCP_Flipcharts 21st May 2014_forweb (pdf file 12MB – includes photos, maps and flipchart outputs)
Our work for the first 5 years of the partnership (2014-2019) used this evidence to plan and deliver a number of projects within the catchment. In 2019 we decided it would be useful to take stock and refresh the partnership by gathering partners together to brainstorm and share visions and ambitions for the next 5 years. Here are the outputs of the workshop, which was followed up with meetings to decide on some key projects and work on a shared vision with a new steering group. The minutes from the most recent meetings are below.
April 2019 – Workshop outputs document
July 2019 - New steering group's first meeting minutes
September 2019 - Project brainstorm meeting with new steering group
Following a significant change of staff at the partnership's host organisation (ESRT) in December 2019, and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, the next meeting possible was in July 2020, with as many members as possible. Here are the minutes:
July 2020 - Full partnership (online) meeting minutes
Following this meeting, and with Covid-19 restrictions on so much of our project work, it was decided it would be useful to update the partnership's vision and mission statement, and set our new priorities for the next delivery cycle, beginning 2021.
November 2020 - New partnership vision
December 2020 - Full partnership (online) meeting minutes - partners approved the vision and shared their priorities.
February 2021 - New priorities - these will be published in the new River Basin Management Plan in the spring.
Useful references
Our work is guided by River Basin Management Plan for the Anglian region which was formulated in 2009 and updated in 2015. Below is the consultation response we produced when it was updated, and the final document, which shapes work until 2021.
March 2015 – ESRT's response to the Consultation on the draft River Basin Management Plan: WFD RBMP East Suffolk Catchment Partnership Consultation Response v0.2.5
December 2015 - The Anglian River Basin Management Plan.
October 2019 - Opening of the 'Challenges and Choices' consultation on the update to the current RBMPs, due in 2020/21.
November 2019 - ESRT's response to the consultation. This consultation has now been extended to October 2020.
For more information about the East Suffolk river catchments see the Our Catchment pages, where you can find detailed maps. For information on the reported status of each waterbody under the Water Framework Directive, see our summary table below. This lists all the rivers in East Suffolk and their 2018 and 2019 statuses, including the reasons for their current status.
November 2020 - WFD Status Table for East Suffolk Rivers.